Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Thousands gathered for DHARNA………
We salute our BPEF members……….

Today at 9.00 hrs hundreds of Postal workers from across the country sat on Dharna at Dak Bhavan New Delhi under banner of Bharatiya Postal Employees Federation for focussing attention of Postal Administration over 26 point charter of demands.

Charter of Demands include natural justice in granting euqal trade union facilities; checking of corruptive practices at all level which causes loss to Public Exchequre and harrasement to Postal Staff, removal of anomalies in pay structure in MACP / 6th CPC; providing adequate infracture for smooth public services; honouring judicial verdicts went in favour of staff ; shortage at all level etc.

At 13.30hrs huge gathering was assembled during lunch hour. Meeting was addressed by prominent BPEF leaders such as S/Shri Vidydhar Pathak, M. K. Khamborkar, S. S. Jadhav, Sungsndhi Mishra, Balaram Pandey highlighting burning problems of Postal employees and Postal Department

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