Thursday, December 17, 2009

Promotion and posting in Postal Serrrice Group 'B' grade for the year 2009

The Director General (Posts) has issued orders in respect of regular basis in Postal Service Group 'B; grade in the scale of PB-Z, Rs 9300-34800/- with Grade Pay 48OO/- for detail orders pl click here

Postal Administration has taken serious cognizance over our 26 point Charter of Demands

  • Postal Administration has taken serious cognizance over 26 point Charter of Demands which includes  checking of corruptive practices at all level which causes loss to Public Exchequer and harassment to Postal Staff, removal of anomalies in pay structure in MACP / 6th CPC; providing adequate infracture for smooth, public services; honoring judicial verdicts went in favour of staff ; shortage at all level etc. ; to redress grievances of SC/ST/PH/woman employee in time bound manner and promptly. Some of the references received fro Directorate are appended herewith.