Saturday, January 30, 2010

D.A. hike to the extent of 8% w.e.f. 01.01.2010.

All India Consumer Price Index (industrial workers) Base 2001-100 for the month of December 2009 stands as 169 (i.e. one point rise from November 2009)

Therefore, the Central Government employees will have a D.A. hike to the extent of 8% w.e.f. 01.01.2010. The revised D.A w.e.f 01.01.2010 will be 35%. Normally the revised D.A rate will be approved by the cabinet and difference is being paid in the month of April every year.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Government of lndia
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 20Ih January 2010


Subject: Maintenance of records in consonance with Section 4 of the RTI Act

The Central lnformation Commission in a case has highlighted that the systematic failure in maintenance of records is resulting in supply of incomplete and misleading information and that such failure is due to the fact that the public authorities do not adhere to the mandate of Section 4(l)(a) of the RTI Act, which requires every public authority to maintain all its records duly catalogued and indexed in a manner and form which would facilitate the right to information. The Commission also pointed out that such a default could qualtfy for payment of compensation to the complainant. Section 19(8)(b) of the Act gives power to the Commission to require the concerned public authority to compensate the complainant for any loss or other detriment suffered.

2. Proper maintenance of records is vital for the success of the Right to lnformation Act but many public authorities have not paid due attention to the issue despite instructions issued by this Department. The undersigned is directed to request all the MinistrieslDepartments etc. to ensure that requirements of Section 4
of the Act in general and clause (a) of sub-section (1) thereof in particular are met by all the public authorities under them without any further delay.

(K.G. Verrna)
Tel. No.23092158

1. All the Ministries I Departments of the Government of lndia

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Reservation for the Persons with Disabillties - Filling up of the backlog reserved vacancies through a Special Recruitment Drive.

No. 3603812/2008-EsH(Res)

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. 8 Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
New Delhi, Dated the 15* January, 2010


Sub: Reservation for the Persons with Disabillties - Filling up of the backlog reserved vacancies through a Special Recruitment Drive.

The undersigned is directed to invite attention to this Department's O.M. of even number dated 27.112009 whereby a Special Recruitment Drive has been launched to fill up the backlog reserved vacancies of persons with disability. Attention is also invited to this Department's O.M. No. 360351812003-Estt(Res) dated 26% April, 2006, which, inter alia,required preparation of rese~ation roster registers and earmarking of reservation for persons with disabilities in accordance with the instructions contained in this Department's O.M. No. 360351312004-Estt(Res) dated 29.12.2005 starting from the year 1996. The OM provided that if some or all the vacancies so earmarked had not been filled by reservation and were filled by able bodfed persons either for the reason that points of reservation had not been earmarked properly at the appropriate time or persons with disabilities did not become available, such unutilized reservation might be treated as havlng been carried forward. There may be some vacancies which might have become available for persons with disabilities in terms of the OM dated 264.2006 It has been decided to fill up all such vacancies during the Special Recruitment Drive referred to above.

2. All the Ministries ID epartments etc, are requested to scrupuiously implement the above decision.


Tel. No.2309 2158

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Effect on modification/expunction of adverse remarks in the ACRs and upgradationldown-gradation of the overall grading in the ACRs prior to the period 2008-2009.

NO. 2101 1/1/2005-Estt.(A)

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
New Delhi, the 6th January, 2010


Subject:- Effect on modification/expunction of adverse remarks in the ACRs and upgradationldown-gradation of the overall grading in the ACRs prior to the period 2008-2009.

The undersigned is directed to say that instructions were issued vide O.M. of even number dated 1 4 'M~ ay, 2009 by which the complete APAR (previously known as ACR) including the overall grading and assessment of integrity shall be communicated to the concerned officer for representation if any, with effect from the reporting period 2008-09 which was to be initiated from 1.4.2008. Prior to that only adverse remarks in the ACR were required to be communicated for representation, if any. The then existing instructions further provided that the overall grading in the ACR should remain unchanged even after modification or expunction of the entire adverse remarks. It was left to the DPC to re-determine the overall grading if it considered that the expunction of such adverse remarks had so altered the quality of the ACR. The matter has been further considered and it has been decided that in those cases where the reckonable ACRs prior the reporting period 2008-09 are to be considered in a future DPC on which the adverse remarks of Reporting I Reviewing / Accepting Authorities have been expunged or modified by the Competent Authority, the "overall grading" in the ACR be kept blank for appropriate re-grading by the DPCs. The existing grading shall be blocked in such cases. It has also been decided that where the authority has upgraded / downgraded the overall grading without giving sufficient reasons, the DPC shall treat such an exercise as non-estlinvalid. General terms, such as "I agree or disagree with the Reporting Officer / Reviewing Officer" used by the Reviewing I Accepting Authority shall not be construed as sufficient reason for upgrading / downgrading the overall grading given by the Reporting Authority 1 Reviewing Authority. The proposals for the DPC where ACRs upto the reporting period 2007-08 will be taken into account should specifically bring out these guidelines.

2. It is also made clear that past cases already decided will not be re-opened.

All MinistriesIDepartments of Government of India