Tuesday, December 29, 2009

CHQ submitted Memorandum to Hon'ble Member of Parliament and members of Parliamentary Standing Committee

One Delegation consisting S/Shri M. K. Khamborkar General Secretary BPEU Class-III, Santosh Parab Org Secretary CHQ, Irshad Shaikh Dy General Secretary and Circle Secretary Gujarat, J. B. Rana Divisional Secretary, C. N. Desai, Kanti Patel and B. L. Vadhera were meet Smt Darshana Jardosh Hon’ble Member of Parliament Surat and Member of Parliamentary Standing Committee at her residence and submitted Memorandum containing the burning problems faced by postal staff vis-à-vis postal services
Bharatiya Postal Employees Union Class-III
(An affiliate of BPEF/GENC/BMS)
Registrar of Trade Union Regn. No 2322 Dt 23-3-1978

Absorption of all applicants for compassionate appointments as one time measure in Department of Posts
Since 1998 hundreds of wards of deceased Postal Employees are knocking the doors of the department for job on compassionate grounds. The famil ies of deceased postal employees/invalidated pensioners are in indigent condi tions. Hundreds of cases are pending before CATs/High Cour ts for seeking job on compassionate  grounds as Department of Posts are rejecting the applicat ions on f ilmsy grounds. One of the reasons for the rejection of applicants is given as non availabili ty of vacancies for compassionate appointment .

At present 5% of vacancies of direct recrui tment quota can be filled by compassionate appointments. The Ministry of Railways however is not following this 5% capping of DR quota & considering the compassionate appointments in departmental quota. This All India Union since 2005 is knocking the doors of Postal administration for allowing the compassionate appointments against unfilled departmental promotional vacancies. In all total more than 10000 residual vacancies of depar tmental quota are there to be filled in. As a one time measure this quota of vacancies can be utilized for compassionate appointments.

In this respect the example of Maharashtra Circle can be cited. As an example, after 1999 the circle relaxation commi t tee meeting of Maharashtra Circle was held in Nov. 2006 for a brief per iod of one
and half day. In meeting nearly 850 applications were put for consideration out of which only 67 applications were considered favourably. Al l other appl ications were rejected summari ly for want of vacancies. Further it revealed that in Oct. 2009 there were 350 appx. applications were received & only 35 appx. were considered

favourably & all other applications were rejected for want of vacancies. These rejected applicants are knocking the doors of Government of India through MPs, MLAs, Ministers, the Honourable President of India,& CATs/ the High Courts. They are running from pillar to post as their families are in indigent condition. Further it revealed that 75% of these rejected applicants comes from SC/ST/BC downtrodden communities. In other words this means after losing the lone family head they are again on the road for seeking a job.

This is the situation almost in all Postal Ci rcles.

In order to cope up with this situation & to restore the social justice to the downtrodden communi ties this All India Union demands to review all the rejected applications for compassionate appointments as one time measure for causing absorption in departmental quota of vacancies.

Acute shortage of staff at operational level directly affecting smooth postal services to members of public.

Since 1983 there is a general ban on creation of new vacancies.Since 1999 the Annual Di rect Recrui tment Plan was introduced wherein two out of three vacant posts were abolished. This has caused a considerable acute shortage of staff for performing smooth postal operations. Besides this 10s of new schemes in the name of business development were launched by the depar tment of posts without sanctioning the required manpower at operative level. Most of the supervisory promot ional posts are being manned on adhoc basis from amongst the operative staff . Not only this, the administrative offices are being manned by taking operational staff on deputation. For manning the posts of System Administrators & Marketing Executives to the tune of nearly 3000 postal assistants are brought on deputation basis. This is directly af fecting the postal
services to the members of public.

Now the department of posts has introduced modified ACP scheme by replacing existing TBOP/BCR Scheme. Prior to that there was staff reduction of 6% in the feeder cadre & 20% in supervisory cadre was in existence for implementing TBOP/BCR scheme. As now that scheme (TBOP/BCR) is wi thdrawn, 6% & 20% staf f reduction in feeder/supervisory cadre needs to be restored immediately but this has not been done. In view of above this Al l India Union demands as under
a) Immediate restoration of 6% & 20% staff in feeder/supervisory cadre.
b) Filling of all residual vacancies by compassionate appointments.
c) Filling of all resultant chain of vacancies caused by adhoc promotion to HSG-I/HSG-II/LSG-NB Cadre.
d) Filling of all vacancies caused by deputation to system administrators/mktg. executives/BD scheme staff .

Effective Vigilance Mechanism for preventing frauds and it’s covering by certain authorities

(a) In the past also through our agitation this All India Union has demanded setting up of judicial commission to enquire in to huge frauds involving corers of rupees. At that time, It was told that a high power committee is formed for the purpose. But up to this no out come is visible. On the contrary frauds committed by staff, mainly Small Saving agents are increasing. For example stolen certificate were supplied by CSD West Bengal, to offices in Circle, by invoicing wrong numbers. But up-till now, no culprits are booked. Similarly mailers has committed fraud to the tune of corers of rupees in Mumbai but none is booked and punished by recovery of heavy losses sustained by Deptt.

This All India Union therefore demands immediate appointment of Commission / high-power committee to investigate the matter in details.

This all India Union therefore demands to appoint High Power Committee with assistance from outside nvestigating agencies for probing huge frauds involving corers of rupees, embezzlement of public money in franking machines, mail postings, by mailers, small saving scheme agents.

(b) It is observed that staff who speaks or act against corruptive practices, are being harassed by authorities. Higher authorities instead of giving protection to such “whistle blowers “either keeps mum are covers up misdeeds of corrupts. For example, case of result of exam. for promotion to Postman cadre from amongst GDS employee held on 6/12/2006 in Dhule in Maharashtra Circle is an eye-opener. Even though this All India Union has submitted details alongwith documentary proof , CO Maharashtra Circle has not given justice to victim of corruptive practices, adopted by then SSPOs Dhule Division. Same case is about SP Sriganganagar Division in Rajasthan Circle, where administration has gone to limit of extent to cover up misdeeds of Supdt. This All India Union therefore demands immediate actions in such cases and protection “whistle blowers”.

This all India Union therefore demands to cause for Stopping of Harassment of “whistle blowers” against corruption and punish corrupt officials/ officers.

Stop abuse of powers conferred under CCS (CCA) Rules to Authorities.

(a) It is observed that the inspecting officers, administrative authorities, though are responsible for facilitating the frauds due to negligence in duties but they are freed from the recoveries , entire loss is forced to be recovered from the Gr.-C staff by abusing the powers conferred in CCS (CCA) Rules to the authorities at lower formations and bypassing by appellate/petitioning authorities . This trend is increasing day by day resulting in ruining the families of Gr. –C staff. This needs to be checked.

Therefore this all India Union demands to stop making of subsidiary offenders for sole purpose of recovery of government loss in fraud cases and punish the disciplinary authorities for violating various provisions of CCS (CCA) Rules.

(b) CCS (CCA) Rules are statutory rules having force of law & no deviation is permissible. The authorities are violating these rules while dealing with suspension cases where huge expenditure is involved. Similarly
huge numbers of disciplinary cases are pending at all levels including the Postal Directorate. A punitive action needs to be evolved to curb such tendencies.

This all India Union addressed numbers letters to Dte. In this respect citing examples of Gujarat,
Maharashtra and Bihar Circles where these rules are violated resulting huge expenditure to public exchequer by way of payment of subsistence allowance.

This all India Union therefore demands to review all suspension cases within purview of amendments to suspension rules and recover the subsistence allowance paid unnecessarily from authorities violating the statutory rules.

Revive the machinery for redrressal of grievances, individual /
organizational in time bound manner at all levels.

(a) At present machinery for redressal of grievances of individuals /organizational, is on paper only. Practically no grievances are redressed in time bound manner. Grivances of staff , putforth in Regional / Circle level are not redressed with principles of delivering justice . A report is called for from authorities against whom matter is brought by staff . No records to confirm genuineness of report or on contradictory points raised by appellant is called. A verdict on the line of concocted report is given with the result of miscarriage of justice.

There are hundreds of examples in this respect . A matter putforth by unions are also kept in cupboard, without giving decisions.

(b) PO & RMS Accounts staff is most harassed staff on account of indecisiveness of postal Administration at highest level.

(i) Cause uniformity for granting promotion to LSG (NB) cadre in Accounts line in all circles. There is no uniformly in filling of LSG (Acctt.) posts from amongst PO & RMS Acctt. staff. Ignoring the basic statutory recruitments rules, Postal Dte. has issued so many executive instructions creating confusion. For example Karnataka Circle is following procedure laid in basic rules other circles, for example M.P.Circle is toeing other line. In Tamilnadu Circle , after verdict of CAT Chennai Bench Deptt. failed to get stay High Court
and allowed Tamilnadu Circle to follow basic rules from promotion to LSG (NB) in Accounts line. In Maharashtra Circle, Deptt. has gone in appeal in Hon’ble Mumbai High Court and for last 10 yrs. there is stalemate. When Tamilnadu Circle is allowed to follow basis rules why Maharashtra Circle not allowed to follow the same, by withdrawing appeal pending in High Court. Representations made by this All India Union in respect of Delhi Circle , Maharashtra Circle and M.P. Circle are pending for year together for classifications. Not only this most of the Circles have sought clarification on either this or that pretext for feeling of LSG Acctts. post in Accounts lines,. but in vain.For years, victims are PO & RMS Acctt. staff, who are deprived for promotions , pay of post and other consequential benefits. Lorger number of officials have retired without benefit even though they have worked on the post.

(ii) Grant Notional promotion w.e.f. 8/2/2002 to LSG (NB) Cadre in Accounts line to PO & RMS Account staff and further consequential promotions i.e. promotion to HSG-II/HSG-I notionally .

In number of Circles , no notional promotion since 1-1-1991were granted to PO & RMS Acctt. , who were working LSG Acctt. as per Dte. orders. Thus they were deprived of from further notional promotion to HSG-II (NB) and HSG-I Not only this,8-2-2002 onwards also no actual promotions in LSG Acct. were granted to these staff , as postal Dte. has not issued clarifications sought by Circles. Stalemate is still continued in some Circles. A uniform policy declaration is to be issued by Postal Dte. in this respect. In view of above we demand notional promotion in LSG (NB) / HSG-II (NB) / HSG-I cadre to eligible Accounts official immediately.

(iii) Stop harassment to account staff for recovery/ refund in postman wrong fixation cases.

In number of Circles Postal Accountant were asked to credit wrongly fixed pay of Postman staff and chargesheets were issued which is highly irregular. As per FR/SR no recovery can be ordered for over payment due to adhoc increments given to staff. Hence it is demanded to wave all the recoveries and staff harassment.

This All India Union therefore, demands revival of effective mechanism for redressal of individual grievances.

M K Khamborkar
General Secretary

Saturday, December 26, 2009



India Post is the largest postal network in the world. It provides postal facilities within reach of every citizen in the country through its vast network at affordable prices. From 23,344 post offices at the time of independence to 1,55,035 post offices as on 31.3.2008 (1,39,173 Post Offices are in rural areas and 15,862 Post Offices in urban areas), India Post has made a long journey. It is credited with the largest postal network in the world with one post office serving 7174 people and covering an area of approximately 21.2 sq. kms.

Department of Posts has launched a pilot project ‘Project Arrow’ to lay the foundation for a comprehensive, long!term transformation of India Post. The project ensures at providing a fast, reliable and efficient postal services to the customers. The ultimate test of success of this scheme is to provide a better experience to the customers, both in terms of the ambience of the post office and quality services to the cutomers. 1000 post offices have already been covered and proposed to extend the project to another 4500 post offices.

With rapid economic growth and technological advancement, the mail profile in India Post in terms of volume has shifted to Business!to!Customer (B2C) and Business!to!Business (B2B) segments. To be in line with this transformation, India Post has leased three dedicated freighter aircraft for carriage of mail, parcel andm logistics to and from the North Eastern region operating six days a week on Kolkata!Guwahati!Imphal!Agartala!Kolkata and the metro cities such as Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata and Bangalore with Nagpur
serving as the mail exchange hub. India Post has also set up 162 Mail Business Centres.

Out of a total of 25531 departmental post offices, 12604 POs including those in the rural areas have been computerised. 1304 Post Offices have been networked through leased lines so far with the National Data Centre. Further 5170 Post Offices have been networked through broad band. The strong IT! base has made it possible to offer a range of e!enabled services to our customers as shown below:

An on!line web!based domestic money transmission service called iMO was launched in January 2006 which enables the customer to receive money in minutes from any of the post offices providing this service. Under this service, a person can send amount from Rs.1000/! up to Rs.50, 000/! in one transaction instantly. The service is functional in 2175 locations across the country.

eMoney Order (eMO)
The electronic money order, which has been launched in October 2008, facilitates transmission of ordinary money orders through electronic media without any extra charge. At present 8003 post offices are offering this service.

e!Payment is a ‘Many to One’ service through which bills (telephone, electricity, municipal dues, taxes etc.) are paid by customers in Post Offices which are then electronically consolidated and paid to the service provider. The service is presently available in about 8457 Post Offices across the country and will soon be extended to all 12604 computerized Post Offices. The Cabinet Committee on Economic affairs has approved, a Project management Unit in the Department to conceptualize, plan, implement and monitor the plan schemes for computerisation and networking of all the post offices in the country. The Department has engaged an IT consultant to assist in preparing the roadmap and strategy for the same.

Postal Finance Mart
Postal Finance Mart (PFM) offer all the financial products and services under one roof “One Stop Shop for Financial Services” in a fully computerized office supported by technology, at par with reputed banking institutions.

Core Banking solution for Post Office Small Savings Scheme customers
Any!where, Any!time and Any branch banking i.e. Core Banking Solutions (CBS) is included in the 11th Five Year Plan with a financial outlay of Rs. 106 crores for development of CBS software and other related activities. This will support Post Office Savings Bank and Saving Certificates business with improved operational efficiency, to Small Savings Scheme customers from 4,000 post offices.

The revenue from premium products such as Speed Post, Bill Mail Service and Business Post has been growing consistently per annum. From Rs. 425.74 crores revenue booked in 2003!04, it achieved Rs.1435 crores in 2008!09. One of the premium products, Speed Post, which is covering more than 1200 towns is now having a market share of 27% in the courier segment.

National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS)
The Department of Posts is discharging the responsibility to disburse the wages to NREGS beneficiaries through Post Office Savings Bank account. Currently operational in 19 Postal Circles comprising of 21 States, the scheme is operational through 90,000 post offices (including HOs/SOs/BOs). Nearly 4 crore NREGS accounts opened up to November 2009, disbursed approximately Rs.4900 crores in this financial year alone.

Tie!Up With SBI:
India Post has tied up with State Bank of India to sell its assets and liability products through identified post offices. Initially, started in five states of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Jarkhand, the scheme is extended to 23 States and UT. The total liability products sold so far amounts to Rs. 37 crores and total asset products sold amounted to Rs.12.98 crores. The scheme is proposed to be implemented in 5300 post offices throughout the country.

Tie!up with NABARD
The Department of Posts in collaboration with NABARD is providing the facility of micro!credit to Self Help
Groups (SHGs) through identified post offices on agency basis. The corpus fund for implementing this project is given by NABARD in appropriate instalments. The pilot is in operation in five districts involving seven divisions of Tamil Nadu Circle. So far, 800 SHGs have been provided with a loan of more than Rs 1.9 crores.

ICICI Prudential Life Insurance
Department of Posts has signed an Agreement on 17.9.08 with ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company Ltd.to retail their Pension Products through select Post Offices on Referral Model. The company will train the postal staff at selected locations and will provide requisite materials such as application forms, literature related to products, ready reckoners, etc., to the identified Post Offices. Upto now about 817 Head Offices across the country have started distributing these pension products of ICICI Prudential.

Sale of Gold Coins
As a tie!up with Reliance Money Limited sale of gold coins has been launched on 15th October, 2008 as part of retail post in selected post offices. Under the Scheme available in 468 Post Offices in 16 Circles, the Department has sold 331 kgs of gold since its inception earning a commission of Rs 2.25 crores.

Old age pension
Old Age Pension is being paid through 20 lacs Post Office Savings accounts in Bihar, Delhi, Jharkhand and North East, and through Money Order in J&K, Karnataka, Himachal Pradesh, Gujarat, Rajasthan and Tamil

On Line Acceptance of RTI Applications
The Department of Posts has been assisting other public authorities under the Central Government in implementing the RTI Act by providing services of its designated Central Assistant Public Information Officers (CAPIOs). For this, Sub Post Masters at Tehsil level act as the Central Assistant public Information officer (CAPIO) for accepting RTI requests and appeals from all central Government Departments. The Department has designated 4000 Post offices as receipt and forwarding points for applications under RTI.

Railway Ticket Reservation
In keeping with policy of leveraging the postal network for greater public good, an MOU was signed between India Post and Ministry of Railways for sale of railway tickets through the post offices. The scheme is presently operative at 78 locations, and will be extended to rural areas also. The Department has earned revenue of Rs. 78 lakhs up to Oct, 2009.

Collection of Rural Price Index Data
Ministry of Statistics and program implementation (MOSP) has entrusted the job of collecting statistics for ascertaining the Rural Price Index from 1183 post offices across the country with effect from Oct 2009. The data so collected would be electronically transmitted to MOSP which will help them in arriving at Rural cost Price Index.

To improve quality of international mail processing, all Foreign Post Offices and Sub Foreign Post Offices have been computerised. International Parcel Post Hubs have also been established at Delhi, Mumbai and Kochi for specialised handling of parcels.

India Post is in the process of replacing paper based international money order service with Electronic International Money Order Service through IFS software of Universal Postal Union. Exchange of Electronic International Money Order and the service launched with effect from 26th April, 2008, the service is being offered from UAE to India through all head post offices in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, and State of Kerala covering 97 head post offices.

Launch of World Net Express: A bilateral agreement has been signed between India Post and Deutsche Post AG on 27th November 2008 for providing new services to domestic and international customers. The article would be booked by selected post offices for delivery in about 200 countries around the world using the DHL network.

A new international remittance service eMO Videsh was launched on 24th Oct 2009. With its launch India Post now offers its customers an opportunity to send money in cash to a recipient abroad payable in cash or in his account. This service is in tie!up with the EURO GIRO for both outward and inward international remittance. Compared to the banks that can send outward remittances , only from account to account, India Post!Euro Giro network provide the facility of outward cash remittances payable in cash to the beneficiary.

To meet the demands of its customers and to fuel its own ambitions of growth, it has become imperative for India Post to look at business beyond the national boundaries. A Global Business Division has been set up in the Department of Posts to provide focus to its international operations and help India Post emerge as an organisation with worldwide capabilities.

Construction work of 12 Post Office buildings, 4 Administrative office buildings, 28 staff quarters has been completed in 2009

India Post has implemented certain recommendations of the Nataraja Murthy committee that had been accepted by the Government which include substantial enhancement of emoluments of all categories of Gramin Dak Sevaks(GDS) and enhancement of various allowances. Women GDS have been provided maternity grant equivalent to three months TRCA+DA for the birth of up to two children. This has to a very large extent addressed the long standing demands of the GDS.

Friday, December 25, 2009


Revision in norms for cash handling allowance by BPM

Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
(PAP Section)
Dak Bhawan,Sansad Marg,
New Delhi - 110001
Dated: 15 December 2009

All Chief Postmasters General
Postmasters General
All General Managers (Finance)/
Director of Accounts (Postal)

Sub: Revision of Norm for cash handling for work load assessment of Branch Postmaster.

I am directed to invite your kind attention to Para 2(b) of Directorate letter No.14-6/87-PAP dated 15.7.87, wherein the norms for fixation of the work load of the Branch Postmaster in Point system was communicated.

2. As per the above letter,, the norm for cash transactions was fixed as " 1 Point for every Rs.1000 cash transactions in a month".

3. The Department has undertaken a work study for fixing the norms for cash handling by the Branch Postmasters. The IWSU of the Directorate has recommended for fixing the norms for cash handling by Branch Postmasters as Rs.20000/- per month for earning one point of work load. The Competent authority in consultation with Integrated Finance Wing after careful examination, has accepted the recommendations of the internal Work Study Unit of the Department. Consequently, the existing norm for cash handling for the Branch Postmasters is revised as " 1 Point for every Rs.20000/- cash transactions in a month" in supersession of the earlier order communicated vide letter No.14-6/87-PAP dated 15.7.87.

4. The cash handled on account of Money Order issue/payment, Savings Bank/RS deposits/withdrawals, RPLI collections/Bill collection and Bill Payments will constitute the items of cash handling. The remittances received from Account Office or sent to Account Office shall be excluded while computing the cash handling.

5. The above revised norm will apply with immediate effect.

6. The Heads of the Circles will please bring the contents of this letter to the notice of all concerned and ensure scrupulous observance of the revised norm.

7. This issues in consultation with Integrated Finance Wing vide Note dated 10.9.2008.

(Surender Kumar)
Asstt. Director General (GDS/PCC)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Postal Directorate has directed all CPMGs to submit  their compliance over point no 16 of Charter of Demand that to submit their report over brief note on Unfair labour practices adopted while implementing Project Arrow, Core Banking Solutions and various BD Schemes Copy of reference is appended herewith.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Special Postal arrangements for season’s greetings

Delhi Postal Circle has made special arrangements for the disposal of greetings on the occasions of Christmas and New Year. The following 34 post offices and 2 railway mail services at Delhi Railway Station and New Delhi Railway Station have been marked as collection centres for season’s greetings w.e.f. 21.12.2009 to 05.01.2010. People are welcome to post their greetings on these centres.

These post offices are Ashok Vihar HPO; Civil Lines PO; Chanakya Puri PO; Delhi GPO; Delhi Cantt. PO; Haus Khaz PO; Indraprashtha HPO; Janak Puri PO; Karol Bagh PO; Krishna Nagar HPO; Kalkaji PO; Onkar Nagar PO; Lajpat Nagar PO; Lodhi Road HPO; Malka Ganj PO; Malviya Nagar PO; Mayapuri PO; Mehrauli PO; Nai Subji Mandi PO; New Delhi GPO; Naraina Industrial Estate PO; Parliament Street HPO; Patel Nagar PO; Ramesh Nagar HPO; Paschim Vihar PO; Rohini PO; R.K. Puram Sec.5 PO; Sarojini Nagar HPO; Rashtrapati Bhawan, PO; Seelam Pur PO; SRT Nagar PO; Shakur Basti PO; Sriniwaspuri PO; R.K. Puram Main PO; Delhi RMS and New Delhi RMS.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Promotion and posting in Postal Serrrice Group 'B' grade for the year 2009

The Director General (Posts) has issued orders in respect of regular basis in Postal Service Group 'B; grade in the scale of PB-Z, Rs 9300-34800/- with Grade Pay 48OO/- for detail orders pl click here

Postal Administration has taken serious cognizance over our 26 point Charter of Demands

  • Postal Administration has taken serious cognizance over 26 point Charter of Demands which includes  checking of corruptive practices at all level which causes loss to Public Exchequer and harassment to Postal Staff, removal of anomalies in pay structure in MACP / 6th CPC; providing adequate infracture for smooth, public services; honoring judicial verdicts went in favour of staff ; shortage at all level etc. ; to redress grievances of SC/ST/PH/woman employee in time bound manner and promptly. Some of the references received fro Directorate are appended herewith.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

  • Expected Dearness Allowance for Central Government Employees from Jan-2010 is 35% i.e rise in DA (Dearness Allowance) to 8%
    As per calculation based on All India Consumer Price Index Number for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) on base 2001=100 and index thereon enhanced at 165 points in the month of Oct 2009, there would be a rise in DA (Dearness Allowance) to 8%,which would result in the overall rise to 35% from 1.1.2010 for all the Central Government Employees.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Why - Losses in Postal Department - reply given by Shri Gurdas Kamat, Hon.Minister of State for Communications and Information Technology in Lok Sabha

LOK SABHA minutes dated 7/12/2009
The Department of Posts has had deficit for the last three years and it is expected to continue in the year also. The details of the deficit for the last three years and the estimates for the current year are as under;
Year Amount in crores of Rupees
2006-07 1249.52
2007-08 1511.44
2008-09 3593.09
2009-10 5632.46
The Deficit has substantially increased during the previous year and the current year due to hike in salary of the Employees and Pensionary Charges of the retired employees on account of implementation of 6th Pay Commission’s Report.
The main reason is that the rates of most of the postal Services do not reflect the market price as they are subsidized to make it within the reach of common man and to the remotest area of the country. Pricing of most of the products have not been kept with the pave of the cost of operations.
A new scheme “Project Arrow” has been introduced in this plan period for refocusing on the objectives of customer satisfaction and service delivery exchange and enabling the Post Office to develop in to hub for civic and governance initiatives, which will have a direct impact on socioeconomic will being of citizens.
Streamling the postal operations through network optimization, induction of technology and introduction of freighter for mail conveyance.
In the areas of financial service the Departmental of post is aggressively pursuing the objectives of the Government for financial inclusion of rural masses through its vast network. This shall also add to the revenue of the Department by way of interest and return through investment in the Post Office Life insurance fund (POLIF) and Rural Post Office Life Insurance Fund (RPOLIF). The Department of Post will also introduce mobile based remittance service across the country.
The Department has been taking step to increase the revenue through introduction of new products, market development activities and adoption of customer oriented strategies. Speed Post, Business Post, Express Post, Retail Posts etc. as premium services have been consistently growing. The Department of Post is also using its vast network fro retailing of financial products and services agency function adding to the Department’s revenue.
This reply was given by Shri Gurdas Kamat, Hon'ble Minister of State for Communications and Information Technology in Lok Sabha 7/12/2009.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Great fighter Dorai Kannoji No More!

With profound grief and sorrow, we regret to inform that sudden and sad demise on 8/12/2009 of respected, beloved and fighter thiru Dorai Kannoji ex all India President. His contribution towards this organization is ever lasting be inspiration for entire BPEF family. His contribution towards Chennai Court case is increditable. We pray to God that his soul may rest in peace.
Thousands gathered for DHARNA………
We salute our BPEF members……….

Today at 9.00 hrs hundreds of Postal workers from across the country sat on Dharna at Dak Bhavan New Delhi under banner of Bharatiya Postal Employees Federation for focussing attention of Postal Administration over 26 point charter of demands.

Charter of Demands include natural justice in granting euqal trade union facilities; checking of corruptive practices at all level which causes loss to Public Exchequre and harrasement to Postal Staff, removal of anomalies in pay structure in MACP / 6th CPC; providing adequate infracture for smooth public services; honouring judicial verdicts went in favour of staff ; shortage at all level etc.

At 13.30hrs huge gathering was assembled during lunch hour. Meeting was addressed by prominent BPEF leaders such as S/Shri Vidydhar Pathak, M. K. Khamborkar, S. S. Jadhav, Sungsndhi Mishra, Balaram Pandey highlighting burning problems of Postal employees and Postal Department